Manuel van Rijn

Bit blog

Convert PostgreSQL to SQLite

Today I’d like to share the steps I take when I need to convert a PostgreSQL database into a SQLite database.

Commonly I have to do this when a Ruby on Rails application is in production and I have to check some issues with the production data. In the production environment we usually use a PostgreSQL database and for developing I use a SQLite database, so we need some conversion.

Short story a.k.a I know what I’m doing.

  1. Create a dump of the PostgreSQL database. ssh -C [email protected] pg_dump --data-only --inserts YOUR_DB_NAME > dump.sql
  2. Remove/modify the dump.
    • Remove the lines starting with SET
    • Remove the lines starting with SELECT pg_catalog.setval
    • Replace true for ‘t’
    • Replace false for ‘f’
    • Add BEGIN; as first line and END; as last line
  3. Recreate an empty development database. bundle exec rake db:migrate
  4. Import the dump.
sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3
sqlite> delete from schema_migrations;
sqlite> .read dump.sql

Longer story a.k.a please explain a little more.

So basically you can do the following 4 major steps to convert the PostgreSQL database into a SQLite database.

1. Generate a SQL dump

First we have to create a sql dump on the production server. I use the following command that results in a dump.sql file in the current folder:

pg_dump --data-only --inserts YOUR_DB_NAME > dump.sql

I use the --data-only option, so it doesn’t generate the schema. Converting the pg_dump generate schema to a valid SQLite schema gave me a lot of difficulties so I chose to generate the schema with the rake db task (we’ll discuss this in the next step).

After you created the dump, you have to download/transfer/mail/etc. that file so you have local access to it.

Trick: Got ssh access?

If you have ssh access, you can also run the following command, which will output the file directly on you local drive

ssh -C [email protected] pg_dump --data-only --inserts YOUR_DB_NAME > dump.sql

2. Modify the dump.sql

There are a few manual find/replace and delete action’s you have to perform on the dump.sql file by hand.

2.1 Remove the SET statements at the top

You will see some statements at the top of the file like SET statement_timeout = 0; and SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII'; etc. Remove all of these lines that start with SET, because SQLite doesn’t use these.

2.2 Remove the setval sequence queries

Under the SET queries you’ll see some queries to set the correct sequence for auto incrementing the id’s. SQLite doesn’t keep these value’s in a catalog and must be removed to prevent errors.

Remove all the line’s that look like SELECT pg_catalog.setval('MY_OBJECT_id_seq', 10, true);

2.3 Replace true => ‘t’ and false => ‘f’

The pg_dump generate’s true and false as value’s for the INSERT INTO statements. If we want to import these to SQLite we have to replace these to ‘t’ and ‘f’.

-- These:
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1, true, false);
-- Should be replace to:
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1, 't', 'f');

2.4 Transactions. Make it fast!

The first time I imported the dump (that was 2 mb) it took like 12 minutes to complete! After some googling I found out that SQLite’s default behavior is putting each statement into a transaction, which seems to be the time waster (after the fix it toke 12 seconds).

To prevent this behavior you can run the script within 1 transaction by specifying BEGIN; at the top of the dump.sql and END; at the end of the file.

So you would have:

-- a lot of INSERT INTO statments

3. Recreate the development database

So now we have fetched the production data from the PostgreSQL database, we need to recreate the development.sqlite3 database.

Make a backup and run the migration task

mv db/development.sqlite3 db/development.backup.sqlite3
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Side note when migrating

You must run the migration until the migrated version that is active on the production database. If not, you could have the situation where you have dropped a column and can’t import the dump because the data depends on that column.

Check the dump.sql for the latest version number in the schema_migrations table and migrate to that version.

For example for the version 20121701120000 you would do:

bundle exec rake db:migrate VERSION=20121701120000

4. Import the dump

The final step is importing the dump file. To do this we have to execute the following command within a terminal:

sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3
sqlite> delete from schema_migrations;
sqlite> .read dump.sql

As you can see we first remove the records from the schema_migrations table, because these are also included in the dump.sql. Of course you could also remove the lines from the file, but I prefer this way.

The .read command just execute’s all the lines within the specified file.


And that’s it! You now have a stuffed development.sqlite3 database with all the production data out of the PostgreSQL database.
